Just so everyone understands what it means to be a socialist, I'd like to run down some of the more "interesting" aspects of the political movement in our country:
- Immediate and unconditional withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel.
- Abolition of the CIA and NSA
- Unconditional disarmament of the United States
- Disbanding NATO
- A constitutional amendment requiring a binding vote of the people on all issues of war or military intervention
- The rights of soldiers to form unions.
- The rights of all workers to form unions with no limit on their ability to strike
- Militant, united labor action
- Same benefits for part-time workers as full-time workers
- Increasing the size and enforcement power of OSHA
- Creation of a fund to pay full wages, health insurance, and education/retraining costs if a worker loses their job due to down-sizing or even going out of business.
- 30-hour work week at no loss of pay, with six weeks of annual paid vacation
- Immediate withdrawal from North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Immediate withdrawal from Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)
- Oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
- Community ownership and control of corporations
- Minimum wage of $15/hr, indexed to cost of living
- Guaranteed annual income.
- Financial and Insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated.
- Steeply graduated income tax.
- Steeply graduated estate tax.
- Maximum income limits
- Progressive capital gains tax
- Progressive luxury tax
- Increased and expanded welfare assistance
- Increased and expanded unemployment compensation for the full period of unemployment.
- Massive federal investment in both urban and rural areas
- Elimination of tax breaks to corporations
- Legalization of same-sex marriage
- Recognize an intimate link between racism and capitalism
- Strongly support affirmative action
- Call for reparations from the federal government for slavery
- Oppose declaring English as an official language
- Demand all public and private institutions provide services and materials in the languages of anyone they serve.
- The inclusion of people with mental and developmental disabilities on all local and state governing boards and commissions
- Affirmative action quotas for hiring people with disabilities at union wages
- Oppose any effort to restrict the definition of who is considered a person with a disability
- Prohibition against the denial of credit based on disability.
- Demand that Social Security remain entirely within the public sector and funded by steeply graduated income tax on all income, earned and unearned.
- Retirement age of 55.
- Cap on Social Security benefits to ensure nobody receives more than three times the minimum regardless of how much they paid in.
- Increase in home services, including home-delivered meals, for all elderly.
- Public funded jobs and training for any senior that does not wish to retire
- Public funded senior centers for social and recreational activities
- Support for assisted suicide.
- Recognize that the struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand-in-hand with any struggle against capitalism.
- Free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy.
- Decriminalization of prostitution and full health, social, and legal services for sex workers.
- Fully-funded child care facilities
- 16-months of paid leave for new parents.
- Affirmative action for women in education and employment
- Rotating gender requirements in leadership roles
- Federally financed education for all children
- Oppose increased penalties on youth to curb crime
- End of military recruiting in educational institutions
- Abolition of parental consent requirements in abortions and other reproductive health services
- Mandated sexual education in schools to include methods of birth control and about being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered.
- Lowering the voting at to 15.
- Guaranteed incomes and grants for artists and performers
- End to all public funding of private schools
- Public child care from infancy
- Public education starting at age three.
- Oppose paying teachers based on job performance
- Oppose standardized testing
- Oppose competition between schools.
- Vigorous affirmative action for teaching hiring.
- Vigorous affirmative action for students.
- Students on school boards.
- School boards fully accountable to students.
- Unrestricted sex education programs.
- Oppose any religious practice in public schools
- Oppose all efforts to limit the teaching of evolution
- Oppose teaching any other theory than evolution
- Full federal funding of AIDS research and treatment
- Socialized health care system for everyone
- Salaried doctors and health care workers, paid for by steeply graduated income tax
- Immediate abolition of all private health insurance companies
- Single-payer health care as only alternative, paid for my progressive taxation, and controlled by elected officials. To replace Medicare and Medicaid
- Public ownership of pharmaceutical industry
- Taxpayer provided sterile needles for those that choose to use IV drugs
- Oppose all involuntary treatment for mental health patients; it must be voluntary and taxpayer funded
- The right of everyone to high-quality, low-cost housing
- Vast increase in taxpayer provided housing under Section 8
- Rent control and the rights of tenants to organize against the landlord
- An end to home foreclosures.
- Taxpayer funded high-speed national rail system with price controls on fares
- An end to further development of the interstate highway system
- Taxpayer funded foot and bicycle paths
- Exclusion of privately-owned vehicles from downtown area of cities and towns
- Taxpayer funded development of alternative fuels
- Taxpayer funded auto insurance
- Government ownership of the airline industry
- Condemn the War on Terrorism
- Immediate repeal of the Patriot Act
- Elimination of the Dept of Homeland Security
- Abolition of the FBI
- Open borders and full amnesty
- Full education, health care, and civil/legal rights for all illegal immigrants
- An end to law enforcement of immigration laws
- Elimination of the Electoral College
- Full representation of Guam, Puerto Rico, Indian Reservations, and D.C. in the federal government
- Restoration of the right to vote for everyone in jails and prisons
- Free attorneys of choice for everyone
- Immediate closure of all "Supermax" prisons and abolition of privately operated prisons
- Abolition of prisoner labor
- Prisoner's rights to unionize
- Immediate creation of elected police control and oversight councils to arrest, detain, and indict police officers.
- Replacement of police with community conflict resolution residents
- Taxpayer funded buyouts of guns
- Decriminalization of all drug use
- Elimination of any funding to stop the influx of drugs
- Federal law prohibiting the death penalty
- Forcing the breakup of large media companies
- Federal ownership of all satellite and cable companies
- Taxpayer funded newspapers and magazines
- Oppose copyright laws and digital rights management
- Government ownership of at least 50% of the available Internet bandwidth and domain naming system
- Immediate participation in the Kyoto Protocol, limiting carbon emission, and worldwide efforts to control global warming
- Oppose all nuclear power
- Price-fixing for utilities so that the rich pay more for electricity, gas, etc.
- Government regulations promoting organic food over non-organic
- Taxpayer-funded repayment of expenses to farmers
- Repudiation of all current farm debt for working farmers
- Any land or equipment that was taken in foreclosure be given back or paid for
- Complete ban on Genetically Engineered crops
- Oppose feedlots and industrial poultry production
- Eliminate the use of pesticides
- Taxpayer-subsidized low-interest loans to grow staple foods instead of non-essentials
- Encourage hemp farming
- Ban on animal experimentation for product development
- Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
- Green Jobs and the New Economy (Chairman)
- Transportation and Infrastructure
- Energy
- National Parks
- Water and Power
- Children and Families
- Retirement and Aging
Pretty much each item on the list is annoying, put them all together and I have to wonder if people have hit their heads really hard too many damn times!
Thank you for your comment. I think some items on the list could be argued/debated and any downside could be mitigated in some other area. The problem with the entire platform is that each of them destroys some part of our society that would provide the protection, support, or other mitigating influence such that if implemented in its entirety, no nation could survive. History shows us this point 100% of the time so it's always amazing when someone thinks "I'd like to try it again - with YOUR money".
Show this to an Obama Supporter and they don't and won't believe it!
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