Just so everyone understands what it means to be a socialist, I'd like to run down some of the more "interesting" aspects of the political movement in our country:
- Immediate and unconditional withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan.
- Immediate end to all U.S. aid to Israel.
- Abolition of the CIA and NSA
- Unconditional disarmament of the United States
- Disbanding NATO
- A constitutional amendment requiring a binding vote of the people on all issues of war or military intervention
- The rights of soldiers to form unions.
- The rights of all workers to form unions with no limit on their ability to strike
- Militant, united labor action
- Same benefits for part-time workers as full-time workers
- Increasing the size and enforcement power of OSHA
- Creation of a fund to pay full wages, health insurance, and education/retraining costs if a worker loses their job due to down-sizing or even going out of business.
- 30-hour work week at no loss of pay, with six weeks of annual paid vacation
- Immediate withdrawal from North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- Immediate withdrawal from Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)
- Oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
- Community ownership and control of corporations
- Minimum wage of $15/hr, indexed to cost of living
- Guaranteed annual income.
- Financial and Insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated.
- Steeply graduated income tax.
- Steeply graduated estate tax.
- Maximum income limits
- Progressive capital gains tax
- Progressive luxury tax
- Increased and expanded welfare assistance
- Increased and expanded unemployment compensation for the full period of unemployment.
- Massive federal investment in both urban and rural areas
- Elimination of tax breaks to corporations
- Legalization of same-sex marriage
- Recognize an intimate link between racism and capitalism
- Strongly support affirmative action
- Call for reparations from the federal government for slavery
- Oppose declaring English as an official language
- Demand all public and private institutions provide services and materials in the languages of anyone they serve.
- The inclusion of people with mental and developmental disabilities on all local and state governing boards and commissions
- Affirmative action quotas for hiring people with disabilities at union wages
- Oppose any effort to restrict the definition of who is considered a person with a disability
- Prohibition against the denial of credit based on disability.
- Demand that Social Security remain entirely within the public sector and funded by steeply graduated income tax on all income, earned and unearned.
- Retirement age of 55.
- Cap on Social Security benefits to ensure nobody receives more than three times the minimum regardless of how much they paid in.
- Increase in home services, including home-delivered meals, for all elderly.
- Public funded jobs and training for any senior that does not wish to retire
- Public funded senior centers for social and recreational activities
- Support for assisted suicide.
- Recognize that the struggle against habitual male dominance and patriarchy must go hand-in-hand with any struggle against capitalism.
- Free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy.
- Decriminalization of prostitution and full health, social, and legal services for sex workers.
- Fully-funded child care facilities
- 16-months of paid leave for new parents.
- Affirmative action for women in education and employment
- Rotating gender requirements in leadership roles
- Federally financed education for all children
- Oppose increased penalties on youth to curb crime
- End of military recruiting in educational institutions
- Abolition of parental consent requirements in abortions and other reproductive health services
- Mandated sexual education in schools to include methods of birth control and about being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered.
- Lowering the voting at to 15.
- Guaranteed incomes and grants for artists and performers
- End to all public funding of private schools
- Public child care from infancy
- Public education starting at age three.
- Oppose paying teachers based on job performance
- Oppose standardized testing
- Oppose competition between schools.
- Vigorous affirmative action for teaching hiring.
- Vigorous affirmative action for students.
- Students on school boards.
- School boards fully accountable to students.
- Unrestricted sex education programs.
- Oppose any religious practice in public schools
- Oppose all efforts to limit the teaching of evolution
- Oppose teaching any other theory than evolution
- Full federal funding of AIDS research and treatment
- Socialized health care system for everyone
- Salaried doctors and health care workers, paid for by steeply graduated income tax
- Immediate abolition of all private health insurance companies
- Single-payer health care as only alternative, paid for my progressive taxation, and controlled by elected officials. To replace Medicare and Medicaid
- Public ownership of pharmaceutical industry
- Taxpayer provided sterile needles for those that choose to use IV drugs
- Oppose all involuntary treatment for mental health patients; it must be voluntary and taxpayer funded
- The right of everyone to high-quality, low-cost housing
- Vast increase in taxpayer provided housing under Section 8
- Rent control and the rights of tenants to organize against the landlord
- An end to home foreclosures.
- Taxpayer funded high-speed national rail system with price controls on fares
- An end to further development of the interstate highway system
- Taxpayer funded foot and bicycle paths
- Exclusion of privately-owned vehicles from downtown area of cities and towns
- Taxpayer funded development of alternative fuels
- Taxpayer funded auto insurance
- Government ownership of the airline industry
- Condemn the War on Terrorism
- Immediate repeal of the Patriot Act
- Elimination of the Dept of Homeland Security
- Abolition of the FBI
- Open borders and full amnesty
- Full education, health care, and civil/legal rights for all illegal immigrants
- An end to law enforcement of immigration laws
- Elimination of the Electoral College
- Full representation of Guam, Puerto Rico, Indian Reservations, and D.C. in the federal government
- Restoration of the right to vote for everyone in jails and prisons
- Free attorneys of choice for everyone
- Immediate closure of all "Supermax" prisons and abolition of privately operated prisons
- Abolition of prisoner labor
- Prisoner's rights to unionize
- Immediate creation of elected police control and oversight councils to arrest, detain, and indict police officers.
- Replacement of police with community conflict resolution residents
- Taxpayer funded buyouts of guns
- Decriminalization of all drug use
- Elimination of any funding to stop the influx of drugs
- Federal law prohibiting the death penalty
- Forcing the breakup of large media companies
- Federal ownership of all satellite and cable companies
- Taxpayer funded newspapers and magazines
- Oppose copyright laws and digital rights management
- Government ownership of at least 50% of the available Internet bandwidth and domain naming system
- Immediate participation in the Kyoto Protocol, limiting carbon emission, and worldwide efforts to control global warming
- Oppose all nuclear power
- Price-fixing for utilities so that the rich pay more for electricity, gas, etc.
- Government regulations promoting organic food over non-organic
- Taxpayer-funded repayment of expenses to farmers
- Repudiation of all current farm debt for working farmers
- Any land or equipment that was taken in foreclosure be given back or paid for
- Complete ban on Genetically Engineered crops
- Oppose feedlots and industrial poultry production
- Eliminate the use of pesticides
- Taxpayer-subsidized low-interest loans to grow staple foods instead of non-essentials
- Encourage hemp farming
- Ban on animal experimentation for product development
- Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
- Green Jobs and the New Economy (Chairman)
- Transportation and Infrastructure
- Energy
- National Parks
- Water and Power
- Children and Families
- Retirement and Aging